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时间:2014-08-16 02:14:44| 新闻|浏览:83|来源:Fonts in Use|作者:Marina Soto
导语Source: http://marinasoto.com.License: All Rights Reserved."Expos

Source: http://marinasoto.com.License: All Rights Reserved.

"Exposed" or "showing something as it is" are some of the definitions for the word uncovered. Through this concept is born an editorial collection which proposes to avoid the clichés and question what was previously established. Structured in monographics, each publication addresses a range of topics (art, literature, photography, history, society) under

one single concept: dreams, emptiness, or even silence.

This final degree project was awarded with a Silver Laus 2014.

Source: http://marinasoto.com.License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://marinasoto.com.License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://marinasoto.com.License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://marinasoto.com.License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://marinasoto.com.License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://marinasoto.com.License: All Rights Reserved.

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