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Toomler website

时间:2014-11-12 00:57:56| 新闻|浏览:80|来源:Fonts in Use|作者:Webtype
导语Source: http://toomler.nl.License: All Rights Reserved.Toomler is

Source: http://toomler.nl.License: All Rights Reserved.

Toomler is a theater café and a renowned club for and by comedians of the comedy ensemble Comedytrain. Amsterdam based web agency Constant IT designed the corresponding website almost exclusively in black and white using Fort for headings, navigation and subheadings (entirely in capital letters) and combined it with Neue Helvetica for continuous text.

Source: http://toomler.nl.License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://toomler.nl.License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://toomler.nl.License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://toomler.nl.License: All Rights Reserved.

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