DIN: A Growing Typeface Family
Families tend to grow. As they do, they become more diverse, adaptable and sometimes prevailing. So it is with typeface families. The DIN typeface family started in the early part of the 20thcentury as families do – with just two counterparts: DIN and DIN Condensed. In 2009, Akira Kobayshi updated the DIN design and dramatically improved the family.
The resulting DIN Next™ family is better suited to digital imaging, considerably larger, with seven weights, each having complementary italic and condensed counterparts. In addition, Kobayshi also designed four "rounded" designs, bringing the new family's total to 25 typefaces.
Now the family has been enlarged yet again.
"The condensed, and rounded versions of the DIN Next family were obvious additions," says Kobayshi. "When these were completed, I realized that a series of slab serif designs would give the family even more depth." The problem was that Kobayshi was very busy with custom design projects for Monotype GmbH, and could not devote the time necessary to add the new designs by himself. He had, however, worked with two freelance type designers on previous projects and knew that he could count on them to collaborate with him on a new addition to the DIN Next family. "I have a great deal of confidence in Sandra Winter and Tom Grace," says Kobayshi, "and reached out to them early in the project. They were as delighted to work on the new design as I was to have them involved." The result of the collaboration is the DIN Next Slab suite of faces.
There is something inherently solid and reliable-looking about slab serif typefaces. The DIN Next Slab designs are exceptionally robust and evoke a feeling of straightforward honesty when set in text composition. They are also a strong, adaptable display face for headlines, subheads and on-screen applications.
With seven weights matching the original DIN Next family, each with a complementary italic, the DIN Next Slab typefaces are versatile designs in their own right. When used in conjunction with the other DIN Next designs, they add depth to the family – and the diversity to address a wider scope ofprojects in a range environments.
The new designs are available as either desktop fonts through Fonts.com, and available as Web fonts through all Fonts.com Web Fonts paid subscription plans. In addition, the complete DIN Next family is available as both Web fonts and desktop fonts through Fonts.com Professional and Master subscription plans.
As a special introductory offer, you can get all 14 fonts of the Din Next Slab family for just $99! Want to give the family a try? The medium weight of DIN Next Slab is available at no charge. Simply load the selection into your shopping cart and check out. Learn more about the DIN Next Slab family!