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This idea book will tune-up your typography

时间:2016-05-17 06:27:58| 字体排印|浏览:206|来源:Creative Bloq|作者:Dom Carter
导语Learn the art of typography with help from the mastersIt can be d

Learn the art of typography with help from the masters

It can be difficult to know what makes for good typographic design. From baselines to gadzooks, typography has its own set of terms that pose a barrier to entry for newcomers, and that's before you factor in developments like responsive typography and kinetic typography. Thankfully, typography tutorials, The Typography Idea Book instead relies on practical techniques to get its message across.

The book aims to help readers develop their own style

Readers are in safe hands, as author Steven Heller has served as the art director at the New York Times, while Gail Anderson has received numerous awards for her contribution to the world of design.

Inside, readers will discover subjects ranging from type transformation to abstraction, via overlapping, hand-lettering, vectorizing, novelty type faces and puns.

With 50 illustrations over 128 pages, this book is a short read, perfectly pitched at those looking to take their first step into the world of typography.

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