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Surveying our Typographic Heroes

时间:2016-05-18 15:35:39| 新闻|浏览:150|来源:Fonts.com Blog|作者:Ryan Arruda
导语Our friends at amazing contingent of designers and illustrators w

Our friends at amazing contingent of designers and illustrators who keep our homepage looking typographically enchanting each month.

Over the last four years, we've commissioned design dignitaries and up-and-comers alike to craft big, expressive typographic images for us. Whether you're a design veteran, or somebody fresh on the scene, all are welcome to apply to design a Fonts.com hero image. Since then, our hero program has really taken on a life of its own—this May we wanted to take a closer look at the fantastic designs we've recently set live.

Of Insects & Demos Next

North Carolina designer Demos® Next typeface. This Linotype release has recently been expanded with a brand new set of 12 condensed styles, which you can read all about it in our prior post.

Inspired by vintage encyclopedia entries, Dan put together a stunning hero image featuring the habitually slumbering cicada as a focus of his efforts. The image nicely conveys the dignified, stately air of this serif typeface. To coincide with their next reemergence, we'll be asking Dan to contribute another hero in 17 years—the next time 2016's cicadas come around again. Just kidding, we'll have this talented designer back real soon.

ITC Lubalin Graph: A Sturdy Workhorse

second hero image here on Fonts.com. ITC Lubalin Graph®. As he opines, the typeface features: "Beautiful geometry with a crisp, stubborn elegance. Sturdy and cemented in, for the long haul."

As an additional cool fact, ITC Lubalin Graph makes makes an extensive appearance in Draplin's much-anticipated monograph Pretty Much Everything, which has finally hit the street. Be sure to check it out!

The Future is Eurostile

San Francisco's Eurostile®, the classic sans serif face designed by Aldo Novarese.

Utilizing a restrained palette, Eurostile design, one can almost hear the warm, vintage whirring of circuitboard fans, modulating oscilloscopes, hissing vacuum tubes, clacking reel-to-reel tape, screeching dot matrix printers, and the cacophonous chorus of beeping electronic tones.

Ciutadella Slab: No Party Fowl Here

Have you ever desired for a Fonts.com hero image to broaden your horizons of poultry knowledge? Go awanting no more!

Thanks to veteran Fonts.com hero designer Ciutadella Slab typeface, this image displays a nice hierarchy, and shows off the type family's versatile styles, which happens to be a companion to the previous Ciutadella and Ciutadella Rounded collections. Be sure to check them all out.

Until Next Time

See you next month with another new roundup of our Fonts.com hero images! Are you an enterprising designer unabashedly enamored by typography? Have you ever been interested in designing a Fonts.com hero image? If so, head on over to our Fonts.com Hero Image Archive to get in touch and say hello!

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