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Halloween Special: Scary Type – The Sequel

时间:2010-10-27 05:04:37| 新闻|浏览:53|来源:The FontFeed|作者:Yves Peters
导语Halloween is coming up fast. Two years ago I went out on a limb a

Halloween is coming up fast. Two years ago I went out on a limb and set out to compile a list of scary type designs for Halloween. It was simply a case of having seen too many ridiculous packs of downright silly fonts collected for some festive occasion. I knew that by doing so I would risk ridicule by "serious" designers and typographers. Yet the last thing I want the FontFeed to become is elitist, so I soldiered on. Before I fully realised it I had managed to come up with a (very personal) list of over thirty typefaces and families in five categories –Post-Halloween Special: Scary Type. The common thread was that I considered all those designs to be "scary", not through context but solely based on their character shapes.

While writing the Post-Halloween: Scary Fonts post I purposely stayed away from the more cartoony designs. Thematically they would have been completely out of place in that specific overview. However two weeks ago the FontShop Font Identification and Type Research Team – of which I am the Transatlantic leg – was asked for suggestions for "creepy, grungy Halloween fonts". That convinced me to search through the FontShop offerings for more cartoony examples, which I compiled in this new FontListScary Type: Cartoons. If you think I missed any, let me know and I'll amend them to the list. Have fun with completely irresponsible, lowbrow typography!

Header image:Black cat ©2008 Pascal Montsma

Header type:Incy Wincy Spider, Linotype Sangue, Orgovan Punk

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