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时间:2012-08-28 09:16:30| 新闻|浏览:178|来源:Fonts in Use|作者:Rodrigo Saiani
导语Source: http://www.niramekko.com.br.Niramekko. License: CC BY-ND.

Source: http://www.niramekko.com.br.Niramekko. License: CC BY-ND.

Motiva Sans is used for the logo and brochure for New Media, Movie and TV Festival event Festzoom, to be held in Rio de Janeiro.

On the logo, Motiva is the base for some customizations, like the bright, triple colored ZOOM. On the festival's description, the standard font is used and the comma between "CINEMA" and "TV" doubles as an accent for MÍDIA which is an elegant solution for an all caps tight line spacing setting.

On the brochure Motiva is used in Bolder weights on the headlines and medium on the body text and lends an informal and energetic look to the reversed out, bright colored type.

Source: http://www.niramekko.com.br.Niramekko. License: CC BY-ND.

Source: http://www.niramekko.com.br.Niramekko. License: CC BY-ND.

Source: http://www.niramekko.com.br.Niramekko. License: CC BY-ND.

Text and tabular figures stand out or blend in depending on the context.

Source: http://www.niramekko.com.br.Niramekko. License: CC BY-ND.

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