姓名 | Eben Sorkin | 所属字体公司 | Nicole Fally Eyebytes Viktoriya Grabowska Sorkin Type 研泽 Modular Infotech Eben Sorkin |
英文姓名 | Eben Sorkin |
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字体家族 - 0
Mike Parker Passes Away At Age 84
It has been a dark weekend for the type world. The sudden and une
Crafting Type
I don't know what it is about type design recently. I could swear
Camp Sharrow
Source: http://www.campsharrow.com.License: All Rights Reserved.L
Animated Trailer for ISType Conference
Ampersand wasn't the only type conference this past weekend. From
文字排版(Typography)不只是从下拉选单选择字型和点数而已,文字排版是一项流传数世纪的技艺,自木制和金属的活版印刷便开始,而且它不只历史悠久,还很实用,大部分的人只要掌握一些实用的诀窍,就可以将之活用在诸如履历表、电子报或名片等日常设计项目上。资深视觉设计师 Janie Kliever 在 Design School 发表了一篇文章,列出 10 个能帮你增进文字排版的诀窍和密技,虽然介绍的是英文字型,不过还是相当实用,让我们一起...
First Impressions From ATypI 2011 Reykjavík
Today is the last day at ATypI 2011 Reykjavík, the yearly confere