微软补丁导致一些OTF字体不能使用 微软悄然发布KB2753842修正
12月份早些时候,作为当月"Patch Tuesday"(星期二补丁)的一部分,微软为其软件产品发布了一系列的安全更新。然而,这些
The Googleplex Is Already Sporting the New Logo
Google just got a custom Sans facelift Tuesday and the font is al
Keynote Speaker Announced for IUC 39
Babel Rousers: The 900 Year Quest to Build a Better LanguageArika
A week in concerts
Source: https://www.flickr.com.License: All Rights Reserved.Wave
From Form Bring The Fun Fair To Reasons To Be Creative
Yesterday another edition of Tuesday night's Inspired session wit
Hans Eduard Meier Passes Away At Age 91
Like I mentioned in my announcement of the TDC Medal 2014 for con
TDC Medal 2014 Awarded to David Berlow
Last week was a week of both celebration and sadness in the type
Wolverine Post Card Club postcard
Source: https://www.flickr.com.Image via Jordan Smith. License: A