x-height" src="
Saint Louis Art Museum Signage
Source: Kiku Obata & Company. © Kiku
Before I leave, how I got here in the first place
Seven years ago, on Thursday evening, August 31, 2008 I punched i
How to identify a font from print, on the web or on an image
With tens of thousands of fonts in circulation, it's tough to tel
Showtime Networks logo
Source: All Rights Reserved."
Lichtbild-Ausweis für die Wankbahn und die Kreuzeckbahn in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Source: License: All Righ
ScreenFonts: The Canyons, Planes, Lovelace, You're Next, The World's End, Getaway
This is my feverish attempt to ScreenFonts before I switch to the
The Other Times Modern
C D Moorby of UK fashion blog Stitched & Stitched used this image