字体家族: | QuantisSansW05-HeavyExtIt |
字体风格: | |
字体版本: | Version 1.00 |
书体类型: | |
字符数: | 458 |
字形数: | 524 |
字重: | |
字宽: | |
文字: | |
区块: | |
来源类型: | |
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授权方式: | |
字体嵌入许可: |
版权信息: | Quantis Sans is a trademark of Erik Faulhaber Font-Design. |
字体家族名称: | QuantisSansW05-HeavyExtIt |
字体子家族名称: | Regular |
统一字体标识: | Erik Faulhaber Font-Design:Quantis Sans W05 Heavy Ext It:2016 |
字体全名: | Quantis Sans W05 Heavy Ext It |
版本: | Version 1.00 |
PostScript名称: | QuantisSansW05-HeavyExtIt |
制造商信息: | Erik Faulhaber Font-Design |
设计师: | Faulhaber, Erik |
描述: | Quantis Sans Heavy Extended Italic is a font by Erik Faulhaber Font-Design, designed by Faulhaber, Erik in 2016. |
设计师网址: | effont.com |
许可证描述: | In no event shall EFFont be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if EFFont have been advised of the possibility of such damage. EFFont specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software and accompanying documentation, if any, provided hereunder is provided as is. EFFont have no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications. |
每em像素单位: | 1000 | 上标水平字体大小: | 650 |
水平最小值: | -430 | 上标垂直字体大小: | 600 |
垂直最小值: | -220 | 上标水平偏移 | -16 |
水平最大值: | 1677 | 上标垂直偏移 | 75 |
垂直最大值: | 1050 | 下标水平字体大小: | 650 |
Mac风格: | 64 | 下标垂直字体大小: | 600 |
最小可读像素大小: | 8 | 下标水平偏移: | 74 |
字体方向Hint: | 2 | 下标垂直偏移: | 350 |
升部: | 1050 | 删除线大小: | 50 |
降部: | -220 | 删除线位置: | 307 |
行间距: | 0 | 字体选择标识: | 320 |
最大步进宽度: | 1668 | 字体排印升部: | 1050 |
最小左跨距: | -430 | 字体排印降部: | -220 |
最小右跨距: | -318 | 字体排印行间距: | 0 |
水平最大宽度: | 1677 | Windows升部: | 1050 |
非复合字形最大点: | 109 | Windows降部: | 220 |
非复合字形最大轮廓: | 7 | 斜角: | -786432 |
字重类型: | 800 | 下划线位置: | -150 |
字宽类型: | 7 | 下划线厚度: | 50 |