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字客网>字体>Fresh Stencil Black Version 2.600
+ 关注 Fresh Stencil Fresh Stencil BlackVersion 2.600
Fresh Stencil Black 字体主要参数
字体家族: Fresh Stencil
字体版本: Version 2.600
字符数: 449
字形数: 509
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
Fresh Stencil Black 名称参数
微软 - 英语(美国)
版权信息: All rights reserved Copyright (c) A2-TYPE. Henrik Kubel, 2015.
字体家族名称: Fresh Stencil Blk
字体子家族名称: Regular
统一字体标识: FreshStencil-Black:HenrikKubel:2.600
字体全名: Fresh Stencil Blk
版本: Version 2.600
PostScript名称: FreshStencil-Black
商标信息: Fresh Stencil is a trademark of Henrik Kubel.
制造商信息: Henrik Kubel
设计师: Henrik Kubel
描述: If you have a problem with the Font(s) or download thereof please contact us by e-mail: info@a2-type.co.uk
供应商网址: www.a2-type.co.uk
设计师网址: www.a2swhk.co.uk
许可证描述: >Custom Font License exclusively for Woolworths Australia: >The font license covers unlimited usage for 1000 computers. >Woolworths can use the fonts for everything and anything, across all platforms: Print, Outdoor, Press, Packaging, Digital, Online, App, Mobile, TV etc. >There are no restrictions on usage. >The font license is ongoing and will not need to be renewed. >A2-TYPE Terms & Conditions. Special license. Woolworths must at all times ensure that users and trusted partners are aware of A2-TYPE Terms & Conditions. >Woolworths is allowed to: >01: You are allowed to use the fonts across all platforms in all media, from Print to Digital (web, mobile, TV etc), all media is covered. >02: You are allowed to install the fonts on a secure server(s). >03: You are allowed to supply our fonts to your trusted partners. >Woolworths is not allowed to: >01: You are not allowed to change the design of our fonts and outlines or commission someone else to do this. >02: You are not allowed to rename our fonts. >03: You are not allowed to sell or give away our fonts for free in any shape or form. >04: You are not allowed to copyright our font designs or the individual letters. >05: You are not allowed to claim any design right of our fonts. >06: You are not allowed to generate your own webfonts. We have engineered specific fonts which have been screen-optimized for this purpose.
许可证网址: www.a2-type.co.uk
首选家族名称: Fresh Stencil
首选子家族名称: Black
示例文本: the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Fresh Stencil Black 度量参数
每em像素单位: 1000 上标水平字体大小: 650
水平最小值: -210 上标垂直字体大小: 600
垂直最小值: -365 上标水平偏移 0
水平最大值: 1183 上标垂直偏移 75
垂直最大值: 972 下标水平字体大小: 650
Mac风格: 0 下标垂直字体大小: 600
最小可读像素大小: 9 下标水平偏移: 0
字体方向Hint: 2 下标垂直偏移: 350
升部: 972 删除线大小: 50
降部: -365 删除线位置: 298
行间距: 0 字体选择标识: 0
最大步进宽度: 1214 字体排印升部: 750
最小左跨距: -210 字体排印降部: -250
最小右跨距: -206 字体排印行间距: 0
水平最大宽度: 1183 Windows升部: 972
非复合字形最大点: 373 Windows降部: 365
非复合字形最大轮廓: 12 斜角: 0
字重类型: 900 下划线位置: -125
字宽类型: 5 下划线厚度: 50