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字客网>字体>Futura Medium Italic 4.1d4
+ 关注 Futura Futura Medium Italic4.1d4
Futura Medium Italic 字体主要参数
字体家族: Futura
字体版本: 4.1d4
字符数: 399
字形数: 419
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
Futura Medium Italic 名称参数
微软 - 英语(美国)
版权信息: ? Copyright 1998, Neufville Digital. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This font is licensed, not sold, and may not be reproduced without the written consent of Neufville Digital. Parts ? Visualogik Technology & Design, 1998.The digitally encoded machine readable outlo
字体家族名称: Futura
字体子家族名称: Medium Italic
统一字体标识: Futura Medium Italic; 4.1d4; Thu, Jul 10, 2003
字体全名: Futura(italic)
版本: 4.1d4
PostScript名称: Futura
商标信息: Futura is a registered trademark of Bauer Types SA. Unauthorised use prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Neufville Digital is a trademark of Visualogik, used with the permission of Neufville SL.
设计师: Paul Renner (1928)
描述: Paul Renner (1878-1956) was a painter, typographer, typeface designer and teacher. Between 1908 and 1917 he designed thousands of books for Munich publishers in a refined traditional style. In the early 1920s he began to support the modern styles of architecture and typography, becoming a leading proponent of the New Typography. Renner is best known for designing the typeface Futura, which became a standard tool for the New Typography, and remains a popular typeface today. Futura does give a restful, almost bland impression, which accords with Renner's objectives. Futura seems classical, not only due to the form of its capitals, but also to the open, wide forms of the geometrical small letters. The typeface relies on notions of classical, yet contemporary form, - harmony and evenness of texture. Thanks to the modern digital technology Futura lives on in a greater variety than ever, offering a wide choice of typographic solutions for contemporary design in the new millennium.
供应商网址: http://www.neufville.com
设计师网址: http://www.neufville.com
Futura Medium Italic 度量参数
每em像素单位: 2048 上标水平字体大小: 1228
水平最小值: -1050 上标垂直字体大小: 1228
垂直最小值: -613 上标水平偏移 0
水平最大值: 2441 上标垂直偏移 170
垂直最大值: 2169 下标水平字体大小: 1228
Mac风格: 2 下标垂直字体大小: 1228
最小可读像素大小: 3 下标水平偏移: 0
字体方向Hint: 2 下标垂直偏移: 920
升部: 2126 删除线大小: 160
降部: -539 删除线位置: 520
行间距: 60 字体选择标识: 1
最大步进宽度: 2433 字体排印升部: 1689
最小左跨距: -1050 字体排印降部: -532
最小右跨距: -432 字体排印行间距: 120
水平最大宽度: 2441 Windows升部: 2126
非复合字形最大点: 0 Windows降部: 539
非复合字形最大轮廓: 0 斜角: -458752
字重类型: 550 下划线位置: -200
字宽类型: 5 下划线厚度: 160