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字客网>字体>Morris Sans Pro Light Condensed Version 1.00
+ 关注 Morris Sans Pro Morris Sans Pro Light CondensedVersion 1.00
字体家族: Morris Sans Pro
字体版本: Version 1.00
字符数: 405
字形数: 600
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
Morris Sans Pro Light Condensed 名称参数
微软 - 英语(美国)
版权信息: Copyright © 2007 - 2012 Linotype GmbH, www.linotype.com. All rights reserved. This font software may not be reproduced, modified, disclosed or transferred without the express written approval of Linotype GmbH. Morris Sans is a trademark of Linotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. This typeface is original artwork of Morris Fuller Benton. The design may be protected in certain jurisdictions.
字体家族名称: Morris Sans Pro Light Cn
字体子家族名称: Regular
统一字体标识: Linotype GmbH:Morris Sans Pro Light Condensed:2012
字体全名: MorrisSansPro-LightCond
版本: Version 1.00
PostScript名称: MorrisSansPro-LightCond
商标信息: Morris Sans is a trademark of Linotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.
制造商信息: Linotype GmbH
设计师: Morris Fuller Benton
描述: Morris Sans is a newly revised and extended version of a small geometric family of typefaces originally produced by Morris Fuller Benton in 1930 for ATF. His initial design consisted of an alphabet of squared capital letters with a unique twist that characterized its appearance: corners with rounded exteriors and right-angle interiors. The types were intended for use in the fine print found on business cards, banking or financial forms, and contracts. But over the ensuing decades, this design became a popular element in all sorts of design environments, and several foundries revived the typeface in digital form. Since digital fonts are bicameral, with slots for both upper and lowercase letters, new cuts of the type opted filled the lowercase slots with small caps. In 2006, Linotype commissioned its own version of the typeface - an extension for 21st century use. Under the advisement of Linotype's type director Akira Kobayashi, Dan Reynolds redrew the uppercase and added an original lowercase for the first time. Additionally, a number of extras were brought into the fonts, including six figure styles (tabular and proportional lining figures, tabular and proportional oldstyle figures, and special tabular and proportional small cap figures). Small caps, which have become an iconic element over time, are accessible in each font as an OpenType feature. To differentiate this version from the original, Linotype's new family is named Morris Sans, in honor of Morris Fuller Benton. All fonts in the Morris Sans family are OpenType Com fonts; they include a character set capable of setting 48 European languages that employ the Roman alphabet, including all Central and Eastern Europe languages, those from the Baltics, and Turkish. This glyph coverage extends to the small caps as well. Morris Sans is a wide typeface, especially in its regular widths; the condensed faces set a more conventional line of text. The new lowercase letters are less geometric than the uppercase, except for those that share the same basic forms (e.g., c, o, and s). Instead of following this geometric trend, the new lowercase tends to strengthen the humanist elements that were present in several characters from the original type, including the uppercase D and the figures 5, 6, and 9. Morris Sans also sports a number of glyphic flares, like the stroke found on the original uppercase Q. Morris Sans is a clean, modern design best suited for headlines, advertising, posters, expressive signage (especially on storefronts), and corporate identity work.
供应商网址: http://www.linotype.com
设计师网址: http://www.linotype.com/fontdesigners
许可证描述: NOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT You have obtained this font software either directly from Monotype Imaging Inc., its affiliates or its licensees. You acknowledge that the font software is protected by the copyright and other intellectual property law of the United States and its various States, by the copyright and design laws of other nations, and by international treaties. Your use of this font software is limited to the rights license rights granted to you in the Monotype Imaging End User License Agreement (EULA) agreed to by you at the time of purchase and you should retain a copy of such EULA for your future reference. You may not use, rent, lease, sublicense, give, lend, or distribute the font software, or any copy thereof, except as expressly provided by the EULA. The current Monotype Imaging End User License Agreement can be viewed at http://www.fonts.com/legal/mi-eula.htm.
许可证网址: http://www.fonts.com/legal/mi-eula.htm
首选家族名称: Morris Sans Pro
首选子家族名称: Light Condensed
Morris Sans Pro Light Condensed 度量参数
每em像素单位: 1000 上标水平字体大小: 700
水平最小值: -110 上标垂直字体大小: 650
垂直最小值: -240 上标水平偏移 0
水平最大值: 1281 上标垂直偏移 140
垂直最大值: 1017 下标水平字体大小: 700
Mac风格: 0 下标垂直字体大小: 650
最小可读像素大小: 3 下标水平偏移: 0
字体方向Hint: 2 下标垂直偏移: 477
升部: 750 删除线大小: 50
降部: -200 删除线位置: 250
行间距: 120 字体选择标识: 0
最大步进宽度: 1341 字体排印升部: 750
最小左跨距: -110 字体排印降部: -200
最小右跨距: -181 字体排印行间距: 120
水平最大宽度: 1281 Windows升部: 975
非复合字形最大点: 0 Windows降部: 200
非复合字形最大轮廓: 0 斜角: 0
字重类型: 300 下划线位置: 100
字宽类型: 3 下划线厚度: 50