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字客网>字体>Elizabeth ND Swash Regular Version 1.00
+ 关注 Elizabeth ND Swash Elizabeth ND Swash RegularVersion 1.00
Elizabeth ND Swash Regular 字体主要参数
字体家族: Elizabeth ND Swash
字体版本: Version 1.00
字符数: 263
字形数: 236
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
Elizabeth ND Swash Regular 名称参数
微软 - 英语(美国)
版权信息: (c) Copyright 2006, Neufville Digital. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This font is licensed, not sold, and may not be reproduced without the written consent of Neufville Digital. Parts Novatype, 2006.The digitally encoded machine readable outline data for producing the typefaces licensed to you is copyrighted (c), 2006 by and the property of Novatype, a subsidiary of VISINOVA bv. Elizabeth ND is a trademark of Neufville Digital that may be registered in some jurisdictions. Unauthorised use prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Neufville Digital is a trademark of Novatype, used with the permission of Neufville SL.
字体家族名称: Elizabeth ND Swash
字体子家族名称: Regular
统一字体标识: 1.000;NDTC;ElizabethNDSwash-Regular;2072;TR4-
字体全名: ElizabethNDSwash-Regular
版本: Version 1.00
PostScript名称: ElizabethNDSwash-Regular
商标信息: Elizabeth ND is a trademark of Neufville Digital that may be registered in some jurisdictions. Unauthorised use prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Neufville Digital is a trademark of Novatype, used with the permission of Neufville SL.
制造商信息: Neufville Digital
设计师: Elizabeth Friedlander (1937)/ Andreu Balius (2005)
描述: Elizabeth Friedlander (1903-1984) Elizabeth Friedlander (ne Friedlnder) was born to a cultured, affluent Jewish family in Berlin. She studied design and typography with E.R. Weiss at the Berlin Academy and went to work as a graphic designer for the elegant Ullstein journal "Die Dame". She was commissioned to design a typeface for the Bauersche Giesserei in Frankfurt am Main, a most unusual commission for a woman at that time. The usual practice of naming a typeface after the last name of its designer could not happen in her case, because Friedlnder was recognizable as a Jewish name, so it was decided to name the typeface "Elizabeth" . Politics forced her to exchange Germany for Italy in 1936, where she worked for Mondadori and Editoriale Domus; in 1939 Friedlander settled in England, where she became a successful free-lance designer, producing calligraphy, bookplate and masthead designs, devices, ornaments, and pattern paper designs for the Curwen Press. Furthermore she designed ornamental borders for the Linotype Corporation and the "Friedlander Borders" for Monotype. She also was a successful freelance designer for a number of advertising firms and for Penguin Publishers. Her typeface "Elizabeth" was first cut by the Bauersche Giesserei in 1938. Georg Hartmann writes that the typeface is one of the best and most beautiful ones ever produced. It is particularly loved by private presses and for printing jobs that require a delicate touch. In 2005 the spanish designer and typographer Andreu Balius was commissioned by Fundicion Tipografica Bauer, the successors of the Bauersche Giesserei, to digitize the typeface, while retaining it's grace and delicacy and original craftmanship. The results are presented to you here, as a Bauer Classics font.
供应商网址: http://www.neufville.com
设计师网址: http://www.neufville.com
许可证描述: This font is licensed, not sold and may not be used without the written consent of Neufville Digital. GENERAL LICENSE TERMS (may be overruled by specific licence terms; may be adapted from time to time; for the latest version consult the Neufville Digital website) SINGLE USER LICENSE 1. This product and the adhering documentation has been provided to you under the following license terms: the price you paid for this product is a one time license fee; this license doesn't transfer any rights of the product to you. e.g. you don't own this product. The rights to copy and to distribute this product are reserved to Neufville Digital exclusively. This product and its contents are subject to copyright according to the copyright laws of the European Community. 2. You may use the software contained in this product to reproduce typeface(s) on a maximum of two printers or other output devices, that connect to a maximum of five CPU's in total, all of them located at a single site (address). When exceeding the numbers mentioned you need to apply for a multi-user or multi-site license agreement. You may not convert, alter or modify or reverse engineer (part of) this product or create derivative fonts out of it. 3. You are not allowed to embed the software in documents intended for public distribution or public viewing (e.g. Internet, CD-rom, e-Book) without prior consent in writing from Neufville Digital; The latter kind of use may be submitted to extra terms. 4. You are allowed to make a backup of this product for safety reasons only. You may not sell nor lend this product or a copy thereof, in whole or in part, to a third party. You may however transfer this product in whole, only after having obtained a written permission from Neufville Digital and you not retaining any copy of the product and the recipient must agree to all these license terms, without reserve, 5. By opening this package or by using this product you will be bound by the terms of this agreement, without any reserve. For any updates, questions, applications and further information, consult the Neufville Digital website:
许可证网址: http://www.neufville.com/license
Elizabeth ND Swash Regular 度量参数
每em像素单位: 1000 上标水平字体大小: 650
水平最小值: -110 上标垂直字体大小: 650
垂直最小值: -196 上标水平偏移 0
水平最大值: 1266 上标垂直偏移 140
垂直最大值: 814 下标水平字体大小: 650
Mac风格: 0 下标垂直字体大小: 650
最小可读像素大小: 3 下标水平偏移: 0
字体方向Hint: 2 下标垂直偏移: 450
升部: 814 删除线大小: 50
降部: -196 删除线位置: 250
行间距: 0 字体选择标识: 192
最大步进宽度: 1186 字体排印升部: 814
最小左跨距: -110 字体排印降部: -196
最小右跨距: -150 字体排印行间距: 0
水平最大宽度: 1266 Windows升部: 814
非复合字形最大点: 0 Windows降部: 196
非复合字形最大轮廓: 0 斜角: -786432
字重类型: 400 下划线位置: -100
字宽类型: 5 下划线厚度: 50