Morisawa Type Design Competition 2016
The 2016 Morisawa Type Design Competition is now open for entries
设计 Dexigner 2016-05-19 09:02:19
On Thursday, December 3rd of 2015, a great man—and a man of faith
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2015-12-09 15:20:57
Our most recent project, Source Han Sans, led me to much closer c
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2014-09-23 14:42:44
"CJKV Information Processing" 2E Humor & Easter Eggs
For those who have read all or parts of my latest book, CJKV Info
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2013-10-12 14:11:19
Tabac Slab Wins Gold, Tablet Gothic Silver at European Design Awards 2013
Last month, on Saturday, June 8th the European Design Awards 2013
活动 The FontFeed Yves Peters 2013-07-13 05:28:25
The first month of 2013 has come to a close, and as usual the typ
新闻 The FontFeed Yves Peters 2013-02-05 23:34:56
Tokyo AFDKO Workshop (PM Session)
Once again, to those who were able to attend the Tokyo AFDKO Work
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2012-06-28 13:27:47
Tokyo AFDKO Workshop (AM Session)
To those who were able to attend the Tokyo AFDKO Workshop that wa
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2012-06-24 13:27:37
Preparing for the Tokyo AFDKO Workshop
I am spending most of my time preparing for the Tokyo AFDKO Works
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2012-06-07 13:27:55
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2012-06-05 13:27:53
CMap Resource Updates & Change Policies
For those font developers who are not aware, the official CMap re
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2012-05-24 13:26:12
业界 cnBeta.COM 2015-10-06 12:06:30
John Maeda: The 10 Morisawa Posters日本之外,很少人听说过“森泽”,它是日本的主要字体设计生产商
企业 2012-04-14 13:22:39
Adobe-Japan1-6 Turns 20 Years Old
The Adobe-Japan1-6 Character Collection, which has become the de
新闻 Adobe Blogs Dr. Ken Lunde 2012-01-26 13:16:11
Font Park 2.0由yugop所在的tha ltd.与Morisawa Font合作完成。其利用文字本身的形体,让用户自由构成图案。文字被解构为图像,在图像中文字的形体反而比文字的本身具有了更复杂的含义。此站技术上有两大亮点:一是yugop一贯流畅而独特的交互设计。点选拖动时形状柔软
业界 http://www.ryan-liu.com Ryan 2008-09-02 10:43:34
Morisawa Fontpack 把自己出品的字体做成游戏,把中文、日文和英文的笔画结构,让用户可以自己输入文字,并随意改变方向
业界 Type is Beautiful Rex Chen 2008-08-13 17:33:38
新しいタイポグラフィの表現を可能にするために 日本語プロポーショナルかなフォント かづらき® の取り組み
ChineseExtracted fromAdobe EDGE 2009年2月アドビ システムズには、Flashなどのソフトウェア
新闻 Adobe Blogs Hua Gu 2009-05-07 15:40:00